
Our online series is designed to empower and inspire our professional community with contemporary research, new initiatives, and practical application in the HPE space. 

Top up your professional learning throughout the year and learn from seasoned professionals and experts in the field who bring a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to your classroom. Stay current with the latest trends, methodologies, and curriculum developments, ensuring your teaching practices align with the ever-evolving standards in Health and PE education.



Discover the latest in current research in the HPE, Outdoor Education and Recreation space with our online Masterclass and Enrichment PL series. Specialists in the field share their knowledge and expertise in a wide range of contemporary topic areas in a 60 minute Masterclass. 

Explore and expand your knowledge, expertise, and application in the classroom with our online Enrichment series. Our selection of exemplary presenters will provide insight, guidance and resources to implement into your lesson plans for a cutting-edge delivery.

Upcoming Webinars



Tessa Opie & Kerrin Bradfield - Respect Collective

Teaching RSE in Schools: an online resource and community

Workshop Content

Respect Collective recognises the unique needs of young people in Relationships and Sexuality Education, providing teachers with the necessary resources and support to facilitate conversations with their students about relationships, sexuality and consent. Our innovative curriculum caters to the evolving needs of young people, tackling salient sociocultural matters head-on.

Explore the Respect Collective platform and sample lesson plans, resources and more!

 Members: FREE

Non-members: $30



Wednesday 31st July, 4pm - ONLINE

Hanna Saltis - Curtin University

Good Sports: Making PE inclusive for all genders. 

Members: FREE

Non-members: $30

Workshop Content

Sport is still one of the most gender-segregated social spaces that young people occupy. It can seem impossible to be fair and inclusive of all genders in sports. This masterclass will help you break down common gender stereotypes, bust common myths, and gain skills to make your HPE classes as inclusive as possible.